A recent sighting of the Western Yellow Robin at the Nambeelup composting facility of C-Wise is a remarkable find. Not because the yellow robin is particularly rare but rather that it brings to 117 the number of bird species found at the site. It also demonstrates how birds can be attracted to wetland locations even when the source of some of the water is treated waste water.
The Western Yellow Robin is an Australian bird which usually inhabits Mediterranean type shrubby sites with a high density canopy and an abundance of leaf litter. It was sighted on a barbed wire fence surrounding the natural swamp. It’s conservation status is “Least Concern” which means that it is an abundant bird.
When Ken Monson of Birds Australia made the sighting he managed to crack off a photograph which was the proof needed to post the sighting on the Birds Australia webpage. Ken is a regular visitor to the facility and his sightings are a barometer of the health of the environment of this property which covers 400 hectares.
Migratory wading birds from the Arctic Circle are beginning to land around the various ponds where they will spend the summer building up reserves for their 8,000 plus kilometre flight via the top of the Northern Hemisphere which occurs in March. So far this season 9 species of these long distance travellers have been seen. These include Golden Plover, Curlew Sandpipers, Wood Sandpipers, Common Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, Sharp-tailed Sandpipers, Long-toed Stints, Common Greenshank and Red-necked Stints.
A recent sighting by the Mandurah Bird Observers’ Group was a flock of 11 Glossy Ibis
Resident families of Black Swan have produced 6 cygnets this winter and these are growing fast.
The fact that these birds can exist amid a busy intensive livestock farming, recycling and composting business is quite extraordinary.
All Photos below taken by Ken Monson at Nambeelup
Black Swan with cygnets
Sharp-tailed Sandpipers
Western Yellow Robin recent addition to the list of species sighted at Nambeelup
Red-kneed Dotterels and Black winged Stints
Wood Sandpiper
Spendid Wren