C-Wise unique liquid boost made from compost extract manufactured on site to provide a boost of humic/fulvic acids and other biologically active molecules.
Liquid compost extract is a highly nutritious liquid derived from solid compost material. This ingenious process involves steeping finished compost water, effectively extracting the valuable nutrients and microorganisms that reside within the compost.
The liquid boost provides a vehicle to introduce other biological products over time. By protecting protecting liquid N applications with carbon (e.g. humic acid)in turn improves the effectiveness of N applications. Our Unique LCE Formula is stable and less prone to volatility losses to the atmosphere in comparison to dry granular option, whilst improving soil carbon and delivering nutrients.
If you would like to know more about our powerful soils that are creating naturally stronger growth and harnessing the power of soil carbon,gain access to our resource centre today. This features our product brochures, SDS’s and information about our unique range of soil improvers, mulches and services.