Lush, resilient lawns and thriving gardens are the goal; the question is, how do you achieve them? Pests, weeds, diseases, heavy use and lack of water and nutrients all get in the way of these aims. At C-Wise we’ve learned from practical experience and the available science that building complex soil organic carbon can help deal with all of these issues. Reducing their impacts reduces your need for pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, irrigation water, soil wetters and fertilisers. Heavy use turf areas become more resilient and more likely to last through the season. New plantings establish more reliably and grow quicker.
When you get it right, using C-Wise products to build soil organic carbon is a less stressful, more sustainable way to achieve optimum plant and soil conditions, year after year. Look what happens when you do:
The composted organic carbon in C-Wise products has a water holding capacity of up to 250% of its dry weight. The long term benefits of using composted products to stimulate a soil to build its own organic carbon can be even greater. Soil organic carbon both acts like a sponge, holding moisture in the root zone, and also helps to transform the soil to hold more water itself. This combination reduces loss of water through seepage and evaporation from the soil, giving plants greater resilience during heat stress and allowing them to withstand longer periods without rain or irrigation.
Building soil carbon with C-Wise composted products can provide full plant nutrition or help to make the nutrients that you are already supplying more efficient. C-Wise products are meticulously crafted to create products that provide a balance of slow and fast release nutrients. The complex organic carbon (humus) that they contain also helps to store soil nutrients to prevent them being locked up or washed away, reducing losses of your valuable nutrients.
C-Wise composted products stimulate plant root growth. Plant roots are one of the main ways of building soil organic carbon, through the decay of old roots and liquids released from root tips of live roots. These liquids are also the main energy source for soil biology. Bigger and more active root systems mean more soil carbon. Plants with bigger root systems are more efficient at searching for water and nutrients, making them more resilient in dry conditions and more efficient with fertilisers. Composted products are also shown to increase mycorrhizal symbiosis, greatly increasing the searching ability of roots again.
Adding C-Wise composted products to build complex soil organic carbon stimulates and diversifies soil microbes. Soil biology has roles in soil structure, water storage, humus formation, plant root growth, nutrient supply, disease control and much, much more. Keeping soil biology ticking over and healthy can save you a lot of time, money and effort. Soil biology needs plenty of soil carbon to survive and flourish, so it is important to manage soil carbon with high quality composted products and good practices.
A healthy organic carbon rich soil grows healthy plants that are more able to fight pests and diseases. In conjunction with healthy plants, a healthy and diverse soil biology will suppress disease causing organisms. The complex organic carbon compounds (humus) in C-Wise composted products can also prime plants to activate their defences against pests and diseases more rapidly when attacked.
C-Wise has a remarkable store of experience and a group of people who see the world from a different perspective. We can provide innovative solutions for a very wide range of problems.
We can provide a range of agronomy related services. We have Fert Care level C accredited staff who can assist you with the interpretation of soil and tissue test results.
If you’ve got your own truck you’re welcome to come pick up your order, but otherwise we have several companies we use that have the right equipment and experience for transporting our materials.
If you would like to know more about our powerful soils that are creating naturally stronger growth and harnessing the power of soil carbon,gain access to our resource centre today. This features our product brochures, SDS’s and information about our unique range of soil improvers, mulches and services.