Restoring ecosystem function in long degraded soils can be a difficult ask. C-Wise can help through replacing soil carbon fractions lost in poor conditions, improving plant germination and health, and increasing soil water and nutrient holding capacity. We understand the process and can help you achieve the stem density and diversity that you require.
Humicarb is our high maturity, premium soil health product designed to provide the maximum improvement in soil function. Humicarb has high levels of humus to improve soil water holding, soil nutrient storage, soil structure, disease suppression and microbial communities. Apply Humicarb onto the soil surface at rates between 5 and 50m3 per hectare prior to the last tillage event before planting of a crop.
Quicken is a medium maturity product designed to provide a middle ground between plant nutrition and soil health. Quicken provides a balance between supplying nutrients in a readily available but slow release form, and improving the ability of the soil to hold water, store nutrients and suppress disease. Apply Quicken onto the soil surface at rates between 5 and 50m3 per hectare prior to the last tillage event before planting of a crop.
Wandalup Gold is a medium maturity product suitable for supplying a balance of slow release nutrients and improving soil health. Apply Wandalup Gold onto the soil surface at rates between 5 and 50m3 per hectare prior to the last tillage event before planting of a crop.
If you would like to know more about our powerful soils that are creating naturally stronger growth and harnessing the power of soil carbon,gain access to our resource centre today. This features our product brochures, SDS’s and information about our unique range of soil improvers, mulches and services.